

Comunalitat de Sant Feliu

Comunalitat de Sant Feliu

Fondo Dalia

Suport econòmic i acompanyament a organitzacions de l’economia social i solidària, conformades i liderades per dones a Espanya.

Cooperativa de joves

Formació i acompanyament a joves que volen aprendre a crear i desenvolupar una cooperativa des de zero en format simulació.

Escola d’Activisme Econòmic

Formació adreçada al jovent en economia social i solidària a través de la metodologia learning by doing (aprendre fent).

La Comunificadora, 5ena edició

Adreçat a projectes que es basen en la col·laboració entre persones per produir un bé o un servei que aporta alguna cosa al bé comú.

Procés de codisseny de la comunitat d’incubació de Coòpolis

Aquesta es la entradeta 🙂

En prenem CURA

Programa a mida en emprenedoria social i col·lectiva en l’àmbit de l’economia de les cures

Guia per diagnosticar la situació local de l’ESS

Labcoop va ajudar l’Ajuntament de Montornès del Vallès a fer una guia per…

Tallers per a la creació, desenvolupament i gestió de cooperatives

Formació virtual que busca oferir una introducció al món cooperatiu, així com l’enfortiment de projectes ja existents.

Espurna Verda: Programa d’emprenedoria cooperativa per a projectes ecosocials 

Programa que abasta des de la idea a la creació d’un projecte cooperatiu o nova línia de negoci, tot incorporant la mirada ambiental en el procés.


The full-service
studio with art &

team of designers and developers.

Website & Mobile App Design

Using year-over-year design approaches and latest techs, we will ensure that your new website will be visible, accessible, and treads lightly.

Motion Graphics & Animation

Cepteur sint occaecat cupidatat proident, taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole.

User Experience

Cepteur sint occaecat cupidatat proident, taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole.


Our recent projects.


The awards won
by our project.

When our team provides design and digital marketing. Applied arts can include industrial design, graphic design, fashion design, and the decorative arts which traditionally includes craft objects.

3x Site of the Day

2x Best Website

5x Mobile of the Day

5x Mobile of the Day


What our clients
say about our studio.

Customer Support

“It's totally customizable with the theme settings, its compatible with a tonne of important plugins and the support is outstanding.”

Colin Lucido

Co-founder, Colabrio

Design Quality

“I tell you what, there has never been an issue that Cory from the Colabrio Support Team hasn't been able to solve for me.”

Laura Morton

UI/UX Designer, Colabrio

Design Quality

“I tell you what, there has never been an issue that Cory from the Colabrio Support Team hasn't been able to solve for me.”

Stacey Rickson

Project Manager, Colabrio


designers and


awards for digital


Got a project?

We’re a team of creatives who are excited about unique ideas and help fin-tech companies to create amazing identity by crafting top-notch UI/UX.

juny 3, 2023

Stickers Pack

We’ve created a unique visual system and strategy across the wide existing spectrum of visible mobile applications and found yourself in a wide, straggling with wainscots...

  • Strategy

    Brand, UX Strategy

  • Design

    UI/UX Design, Art Direction

  • Client


View Project
juny 3, 2023

Diseño Gráfico

We’ve created a unique visual system and strategy across the wide existing spectrum of visible mobile applications and found yourself in a wide, straggling with wainscots...

  • Strategy

    Brand Strategy, UX Strategy

  • Design

    UI/UX Design, Art Direction

  • Client


View Project
juny 3, 2023

Lifestyle App

We’ve created a unique visual system and strategy across the wide existing spectrum of visible mobile applications and found yourself in a wide, straggling with wainscots...

  • Strategy

    Brand Strategy, UX Strategy

  • Design

    UI/UX Design, Art Direction

  • Client


View Project
juny 3, 2023

Bright Captive

We’ve created a unique visual system and strategy across the wide existing spectrum of visible mobile applications and found yourself in a wide, straggling with wainscots...

  • Strategy

    Brand Strategy, UX Strategy

  • Design

    UI/UX Design, Art Direction

  • Client


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